Contact Property Management

Lakes of Parkway is managed by GrandManors Management
Contact email: [email protected]
Contact phone: 281-920-3044
CiraNet, a feature of GrandManors Management is an online resource available to homeowners with access to many features including account status, payment history, paperless billing, community documents, restrictions, and more!
PLEASE NOTE:  Homeowners are required to keep Tenants informed of all LOPHOA regulations and compliance requirements, as Tenants do not have access to CiraNet.  HOMEOWNERS, can CLICK HERE for more details and instructions on how to access CiraNet or utilize the menu tab on the top right of the website homepage called “CiraNet-GrandManors”.
Please contact GrandManors customer service, toll-free at 855-947-2636. They are open to serve all LOP Residents, Monday – Friday 7:30AM – 7PM (Central Time).

Contact Us

If you have any questions or would like further information about our community, please contact us directly by submitting the form below.

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